We offer a free and confidential child care referral service utilizing our extensive database of child care available in Ocean County. In addition to referrals, we offer brochures containing checklists to help you make an informed decision about child care. For more information contact Chantele McAllister via telephone at (732) 557-9633, Ext. 105 or email at cmcallister@chsofnj.org . CHSofNJ does not license, endorse or recommend any specific provider. It is the responsibility of the parent to meet with providers in order to determine the child care arrangements which best suits his/her needs.
See the following for the Request for Child Care Referral form.
Request for Child Care Referral
More Resources:
- https://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/njsnap/
- https://www.state.nj.us/health/fhs/wic/index.shtml
- https://www.nj.gov/health/fhs/eis/
- https://www.nj.gov/dcf/families/early/visitation/
The Consumer Education Campaign serves parents in our subsidy programs as well as other parents utilizing any of our services. CHSofNJ provides family and provider services and support. Consumer Education manages resource and referral activities and ensures that staff are familiar with consumer education requirements. The mission is to inform and educate parents, providers and the community. Brochures on early childhood topics along with what to look for in choosing quality child care are distributed to all parents seeking child care services. All program required profile forms are disseminated and entered for parents use and information as well. A Community Resource Directory is kept current and can be delivered electronically or by US mail. Our website includes an array of parenting materials. For more information call Chantele McAllister at (732) 557-9633, Ext. 105 or via email cmcallister@chsofnj.org.
Training Schedule January – June 2025 (PDF)
Training Schedule January – June 2025 (flipbook)
Our Training program offers Continuing Education Credits approved by The Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition. www.cdacouncil.org
For those pursuing their Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential and assist family child care providers with accreditation through the National Association for Family Child Care (FCC). www.nafcc.org
The National Association for Education of the Young (NAEYO). www.naeyc.org
We are also registered with The NJ Department of Education, Professional Development Provider Registration System that allows us to administer training clock hours to public school teachers.
Ocean FCC Registration Spanish Infographic Ocean FCC Registration English Infographic
CHSofNJ is the sponsoring agency for the N.J. Department of Children & Families Office of Licensing for family child care registration. Registrants must fill out an application online at NJCCIS at www.njccis.com. A CARI (Child Record Abuse Information Form) must be submitted electronically. All Home Based child care providers are required to be fingerprinted at no cost. A trained caregiver provides care in a private residence for 5 or fewer children at one time. Our agency conducts inspections as well as curriculum and program observations. Family Child Care providers must attend orientation, complete required Health and Safety Training, along with mandatory CPR and First Aid courses. These trainings are all available at no cost at CHSofNJ. For more information about this program please contact us at (732) 557-9633 Ext. 103
Complaints Against a Child Care Center A complaint involving a child care center that does not involve the suspected abuse or neglect of children is handled by The NJ Department of Children & Families, Office of Licensing. The toll free number is 1 (877) 667-9845.
Complaints Against a Family Child Care Provider in Ocean County, NJ The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey is responsible for registering and monitoring family child care providers in Ocean County, NJ. A complaint that is not child abuse or neglect involving a registered child care provider will be investigated by our agency. To discuss or register a complaint, contact our Program Administrator at (732) 557-9633, Ext. 101. You are entitled to any results of an investigation as long as they are categorized as “open for public inspection.” If you remain anonymous, you will need to call our agency for the outcome. If you give your name, you should be aware that under New Jersey’s Right-to-Know Law, it is included in our records which are open for public inspection. If a complaint investigated by our agency is substantiated, the registered family child care provider will receive any technical assistance and/or additional home visits necessary to help the provider come into and remain in compliance.
The Ocean County CCR&R is responsible for overseeing the Child and Adult Food Care Program (CACFP) for registered family child care providers in Burlington, Camden, Hunterdon, Mercer, and Ocean counties. The CACFP is a federally funded program to assist child care providers in providing healthy and nutritious meals to children in care in a setting which promotes and encourages positive eating habits. Participants in the CACFP are eligible to receive reimbursement for serving nutritious meals and snacks to enrolled children in their care. If you are interested in learning more about the CACFP, please contact Maria Romero by calling (732) 557-9633, ext 170 or via email at mromero@chsofnj.org.
Required Training and Information can be found at the following website:
- http://www.childcarenj.gov/
- http://www.grownjkids.gov/
- https://www.childcarenj.gov/Provider-Search
- https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/
- https://www.nj.gov/health/fhs/eis/for-families/
- For more information about Earned Income Tax Credit For Tax Year 2019 please visit www.njeitc.org
- https://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/njsnap/
- https://www.state.nj.us/health/fhs/wic/index.shtmlhttps://www.nj.gov/health/fhs/eis/
- https://www.nj.gov/dcf/families/early/visitation/
You can contact us at (732) 557-9633, or 1433 Hooper Avenue Suite 340 Toms River, NJ 08753.
Para inormación sobre nuestra agencia en español, llamar 732-557-9633 y esperar a escuchar la opción #4 o email.