Please see the description below for a more accurate insight into the wonderful world of Body & Soul!
Revamp of Body & Soul, Becoming a Mom:
Body & Soul is a holistic prenatal support group for those in the English-speaking community. This program utilizes a customized curriculum, where the focus is to help pregnant women have stress free pregnancies, especially within the BIPOC community, so that they can have healthy and safe deliveries. We do this by focusing on topics that help to nourish the mind, body, and soul. Our motto is, “When all is well with your soul, your mind and body will be in harmony.” We achieve this by speaking on the following topics:
- You and Your Pregnancy
- The Importance of Prenatal Care – w/ a Focus on Self Advocacy
- Eating Healthy During Pregnancy
- Stress Management During Pregnancy –w/ a Focus on Meditation
- Things to Avoid During Pregnancy
- The Big Day: Labor & Delivery – w/ Cont.’d Focus on Self Advocacy
- Postpartum Depression and Postpartum Care
- Caring For Your Baby
At the end of each 4wk. cycle, there is a Graduation ceremony, in the form of a baby shower, for all moms who attend and participate in at least 6 of the 8 sessions. Graduates will have the opportunity to leave with necessities for their babies as well as a certificate of completion.
Additionally, we offer the following services:
- Educational Materials
- Breastfeeding Support
- Childbirth Education Workshops
- Infant Massage
- Hospital Orientation Tours
- Information and Referrals
- Linkages to Medical Homes
- Meals (during group activities)
- One-on-one Counseling and Support
- Transportation (to and from group activities)
For More Information, Please Contact Us:
Shahera N. Hutchinson
Women’s Health Advocate & Parent Educator
(609) 306-2675
(609) 695-6274, Ext. 123
View our Brochures:
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